Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More About Cartilaginous Fish

 Bony fish drink a lot of seawater to stay hydrated. Sharks have  a life strategy that requires slow growth to a relatively large size. While ,completely opposite fish demonstrate rapid growth and achieve maturity faster.
Cartilaginous fish are slow reproducing, and bony fish are fast reproducers.
Some sharks grasp the females pectoral fins, or bite and hold onto the body.

What are Cartilaginous Fish

What makes cartilaginous fish different from other fish? Skeletons made of cartilage, an example of that is the heart and blood.

 List of cartilaginous fish.

  • Skates
  • Chimaeras
  • Rays
  • Bull sharks
  • Banjo shark.
 What is special about the sharks eye?
They have muscles that cal roll the eye back into the socket for protection.

What are the differences between bony fish and cartilaginous fish:
Heart and Blood - Sharks have fewer red blood cells, Bony fish have a bone marrow for hemopoiesis.
External features - Shark skin is covered by dermal denticles. Bony fish are covered in flat scales. 
Digesting and Evacuation - Bony fish have two seperate openings, a rectum and an anus. Sharks kidneys & genitals empty into only one opening called the cloaca

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Marine Anthropods

Female Rock Crab
Marine Anthropods

1. What are examples of marine arthropods? The Northern Lobster, Spiny Lobster, Slipper Lobster, Female Rock crab, Spotted cleaner Shrimp , Acadian Hermit Crab.

2. Whats the difference between an arthropods Skeleton and a Human? Anthropods shed from their Exoskeleton and onto a new one.
3. Compare/Contrast how antropods and huans move blood in their circulation system? Arthropods don't have arteries, veins, or capillaries to carry blood. They Pump blood through open spaces  (sinuses) within the animal.
4. How do the eyes of arthropods differ from your eyes? Arthropods have compound eyes & detect motion unlike humans that specialize with detail.

5. How do humans use marine arthropods? We eat them.
Spiny Lobster
Slipper Lobster
Northern Lobster

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nine Major Animal Phyla

The nine major animal phyla's are 
  • chordates (fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals)
  •  echinodermata(sea stars, sea urchins)
  •  mollusks(clams, snails, oysters, octopus)
  •  arthropoda(insects, spiders, crustaceans)
  •  annelida(earthworm, leech, sandworm)
  •  nematoda (Roundworms) 
  • platyhelminthes (planaria, tapeworms)
  •  coelenterates(jellyfish, hydras, corals)
  •  porifera(sponges).
The types of habitat that species can be found in are freshwater, marine, and terrestrial; while in some cases the species can be found in all environments. Some species do not have digestive systems, however if they do its either complete or incomplete.I have never seen a species in phyla.

Monday, May 6, 2013

End of the Line

Big Question: Why should we humans be concerned about overfishing?

Cod, haddock, tuna, salmon, and prawns are the "Big Five" fish that we eat all the time.

One reason for not eating shark or deep  water fish is because they're slow growing which means that it takes a quite some time to breed, and can also be exposed to over exploitation. 

Some fish that we can eat are anchovy, cockle, arctic char, and pangasius. Occasional fishes to fish are flounder, grey mullet, white marlin, and plaice. The fishes to avoid are salmon, scampi, sea bass and caviar


Friday, April 19, 2013

Energy Flows Through Ecosystems

1. Primary Producers are on the first level more known as the 1st trophic level. Primary producers are the organisms that produce organic compounds from atmospheric or aquatic carbon dioxide, principally through the process of photosynthesis. In simpler terms, primary producers  use solar energy to produce organic plant material through photosynthesis.

2. The second trophic level is made up of herbivores and they feed only on plants.

3.Predators make up the 3rd trophic level because they feed in the things from the previous levels.

Animal Habitat Structure

Hypothesis: I think Eelgrass' density affects the abundance of species in an ecosystem because I think it has the ability to cure fungal disease within the depths of the ocean, and I also believe its can be used for insulation. So the more dense, or the more of eelgrass there's more shelter and species.Hypothesis Support

Hypothesis Support