Thursday, January 31, 2013

Essential Questions: Sea Floor NOAA

The NOAA stands for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and they map, protect, and manage the waters while updating older nautical charts

The sonar echo allows the ship to collect information from the sea floors by emitting 3500 pings; however the intensity of the sonar echo can tell if the sea floor is hard, soft, sandy, coral, or other soft plants.

The R.O.V helps the scientist by understanding the sonar data, by sending videos and still images which eventually all is combined.
These studies are important to society because we need to know what lies beneath our ocean floor, as well as methods of preservation.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


1. Bathymetry is the measure of the depth of water in oceans, rivers, or lakes. Bathymetric maps and topographic maps are similar, however topographic map lines connect points of equal elevation. Bathymetric maps show the shape and elevation of land features.

2.  Oceanographers mapped the ocean in the past by throwing a heavy rope over the side of a ship and recoding the length of rope it took to reach the seafloor, unfortunately the results were inaccurate and incomplete.

3. They now measure the ocean floor with sonar, which leaves less room for inaccuracy.

4. Multibeam echo sounders are effective because they're correct for the movements of the boat at sea which increases the measurement accuracy.

5. The thousands of seamounts were discovered in the central Pacific Ocean.

6. Their measurements support safe navigation and protect marine environments around the globe

Bathemetry by tianna.brown12 on GoAnimate

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This is the volcano that my group: Tianna, Patricia, and Sierra, and myself presented. We researched a volcano named Martinique in the Mt. Pelee France. So take a look at our prezi for some great facts!