Friday, April 19, 2013

Energy Flows Through Ecosystems

1. Primary Producers are on the first level more known as the 1st trophic level. Primary producers are the organisms that produce organic compounds from atmospheric or aquatic carbon dioxide, principally through the process of photosynthesis. In simpler terms, primary producers  use solar energy to produce organic plant material through photosynthesis.

2. The second trophic level is made up of herbivores and they feed only on plants.

3.Predators make up the 3rd trophic level because they feed in the things from the previous levels.

Animal Habitat Structure

Hypothesis: I think Eelgrass' density affects the abundance of species in an ecosystem because I think it has the ability to cure fungal disease within the depths of the ocean, and I also believe its can be used for insulation. So the more dense, or the more of eelgrass there's more shelter and species.Hypothesis Support

Hypothesis Support

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Introduction to San Diego Bay

The location of the San Diego Bay is obviously in San Diego County, also near the US-Mexico border. The size of bay is about 19 kilometers or in simpler terms, 12 miles long. 

An interesting fact about the 'The bay' it used to be the base headquarters of major ships for the United States Navy, until the US entered World War II and then the headquarters became Pearl Habor, Hawaii.

 The San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex is located in Seal Beach, Tijuana Slough, and Sweetwater Marsh.
 The purpose of the San Diego National Wildlife is to support habitats as diverse as coastal marshes and uplands, oak woodlands, freshwater marshes in south San Diego Bay.

Some of the activities that occur in the bay are like the Big Bay Boom, which is held on the fourth of July, you can also go on cruises, visit shops and go to museums.

 The South San Diego Bay restoration and enhancement project dredges former salt ponds to create tidal channels and tidal influence.