Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Economic Importance of Marine Sediments

Bellwork questions:

Some products that come from sediments are toothpaste, paint, swimming pool filters, and building materials for roads and structures.

1/3 of the worlds energy comes from sediments (oil & gas)

Sand and Gravel is extremely important because they are valued at more than $510 Million!

Webquest Questions
Sediments are classified by two groups, either clastic or chemical. Then from there it differentiates between the type of rock, texture, composition and type.

There are four types of sediments. Lithogenous, Biogenous, Hydrogenous, and Cosmogenous. 
Lithogenous- derived from rock, which is also pelagic so it settles away from the water column and will be most prevalent away from land
Biogenous- A sediment consisting of the shells and skeletons of dead organisms. (Calcium carbonate)
Hydrogenous- are formed by precipitation of minerals from the ocean’s water or can be formed as a new mineral
Cosmogenous- extraterrestrial in nature and are generally like miniature meteorites. These sediments are the remains of impacts of large bodies of space material (such as comets and asteroids). 

Marine Sediments by tianna.brown12 on GoAnimate

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